From the Parish Priest
Dear friends,
This year the Month of April opens with the annual celebration and remembrance of Our Lord’s Passion and death in Holy Week and Easter.
The days from Palm Sunday to Easter Day are of the utmost importance to the whole church and to each and every Christian, and, as I do every year, I invite you to join us as we recall in a sacred pilgrimage the events leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
The Services at this time of year have evolved over centuries to enable us to experience the love of God in the story of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection. With Six churches, all of the events of Holy Week are Mission Community events and are open to all, whichever building they happen to be in. I look forward to joining you for worship at this special time.
On a more practical note, we have made two decisions regarding our worship going forward.
First, it was agreed that from now on all Mission Community services on a Sunday morning will be at 11am rather than 10am. This allows for a better transition from worship to lunch, which we will now try to have together at all Fifth Sunday Celebrations.
Secondly, after three months of having Evensong at St. Mary’s Lifton, on the Second Sunday of each month, as an experiment, we have decided to continue for the rest of the year.
On a personal note, May I thank all of you who have shown so much kindness to myself and my family after our recent bereavement. Although we are saddened by my sister’s death, we are also strengthened by the Christian hope of the Resurrection which we will all be celebrating this Easter.
I hope and pray that the joy of Easter will fill all our lives.
With love and prayers,