Notice Board

Family Events and Celebrations

It is a privilege for the church community to host people when they come to celebrate and commemorate the important events of family and community life.

Whether you are wishing to celebrate the gift of new life through Baptism, or your marriage,  to commend a loved one at the end of their life, or to commemorate or celebrate any event or achievement,  you are most welcome to contact us about it.

Wherever you are on Life’s pilgrimage, we can assure you of our prayers.

Initially, please contact the Parish Priest.

Priest's Letter February 2025

Dear Friends,

A new year is always a time for looking forward with hopes, and resolutions, and for beginning new things.

At the start of the Church’s year we launched our new Saturday night worship service at Kelly. I commend it to you as we continue our pilgrimage of discovery with our Vigil liturgy.

I am delighted to announce another new initiative in our worship together.

February sees the start of our new GIFT service (Growing In Faith Together).

This is a new venture for us and is a service designed particularly for those who are very young, and those who live with them and care for them. That does not mean that those of us who are older in years cannot learn from it, or grow in it, and I invite you all to come and join us in this new venture at St. John the Baptist Stowford on the third Sunday of each month starting on the 16th of February. The service will be short, fun, and very different, with fellowship refreshments and fun afterwards.

With love and prayers,

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