Advent 2020

December 10th – Advent 2020

We are very fortunate in having two members of our regular congregations who are studying on the Diocesan Foundation for Ministry Course.

Here: one of them, Nicola, reflects on one of the most influential books traditionally read, or dramatized, at this time of the year.

A favourite Christmas story of mine is that of Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol”.  Dickens wrote the story at a time of high social depravation and harsh working conditions.  Even so Scrooge’s parsimony and lack of empathy is extreme.  How could this happen?

The Ghost of Christmas Past provides an explanation.  As Scrooge looks back at past events he realises that he has been damaged by fear of being hurt by love.  Over time his heart hardened.  Without love he couldn’t relate to others and built a barrier to protect himself.  As Christians we can relate to this.  God’s love is there for us to accept and embrace.  Without letting it in we can feel and behave like Scrooge.

The Ghost of Christmas Present provides Scrooge with the opportunity to change.  He sees what is really happening in his community and what is wrong with his behaviour.   God gives us this chance to change.  If we accept God’s love, we can love people in return.  God’s love can shape our behaviour.

The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come starkly reveals Scrooge’s bleak future if he doesn’t change.  Thankfully he can finally allow love in and feel its positive change on his life.  A good ending for a Christmas story!   And what is best of all is that Jesus’ birth is a great beginning for us.

Advent 2020

December 9th – Advent 2020

Felicity Mazur-Park, Director of Music at Bethany Lutheran Church, Dallas, Texas, plays an Organ piece based on the Advent Carol: People Look East.

Advent 2020

December 8th – Advent 2020

Saintly Wordsearch

As we watch and wait for the coming of the Lord, we should be inspired by those who
have gone before us in faith.

Can you find the names of 31 people, who are all listed in the Church of England
Calendar. Some of them will be well known, and there may be a few surprises!

Answers: next week.

Answers for Previous Days


1:      St Pauls

2:      Norwich

3       Leicester

4:      St. Albans

5:      Durham

6:      Portsmouth

7:      Winchester

8:      Southwark

Advent 2020

December 7th – Advent 2020

Mary Mazur Park takes us on a wlatz round the churches and parishes of our Benefice……

Advent 2020

December 6th – Advent 2020

Advent 2020

5th December – Advent 2020

A Grave Puzzle

Eight Pictures of the Graves/memorials of famous people who have all

been buried in English Cathedrals.

Do you know/can you work out which  Cathedrals are featured here?

Answers to be revealed later!


1:      St Pauls

2:      Norwich

3       Leicester

4:      St. Albans

5:      Durham

6:      Portsmouth

7:      Winchester

8:      Southwark

Advent 2020

December 4th – Advent 2020

An Advent Reflection

Advent 2020

December 3rd – Advent 2020

Road Safe Winter Warmer With winter comes the cold!   This Hot Toddy substitute is a super soothing hot drink that is perfect for bed time, or when you need something warm inside you before going out into the cold to Carol Sing, or spend the afternoon in a freezing church preparing the Christmas Flowers.   It has quite a Kick, but the best thing is, being Alcohol free, it is safe for driving.  

The recipe has been included as a pdf below so it can be printed if required.

You Will NeedMethod
Mug/beaker approx. 250 ml or 8 flOzSqueeze and sive the orange juice into the mug/beaker
Juice of half an orangeAdd the Ginger Cordial and the honey
3 tbs of Spiced Ginger drink/cordialTop up with boiling water and stir well.
1 tsp of HoneyAmounts and proportions can be altered to taste.
Boiling water

A Prayer

Heavenly Father,

Bless we pray at this season all those who face the cold without proper clothes, homes or heating.

Bless those who drive with wisdom and courtesy,

And keep all your children warm, well and safe.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Advent 2020

December 2nd – Advent 2020

It was with much sadness that we said goodbye to Pat Pollard in September. She had been a joyful and faithful servant of the Gospel and the Church for almost all of her 90 years. Whether she was in the classroom, the Head teacher’s office, the PCC meeting, at the lectern, in the bell tower, or welcoming people into her home, she was always full of Christian joy and confidence. She was a wise lady with a very astute mind, who enjoyed nothing more than wrestling with the day’s Crossword, often sharing it with her visitors!

So here is a Crossword Puzzle that I hope she would enjoy…….

Please click on the link or the Download button below to download today’s crossword.


Advent 2020

December 1st – Advent 2020