Priest's Monthly Letters

Priest’s Letter August 2021

General Update for the Autumn

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

It is really good to be able to give you an update on church life after the hiatus over the postponement of the end of lockdown and the postponement of all our church plans. Although there is still a great deal of caution and nervousness, it does at last look as though life is returning to something a little like normal!

The last year and a half has been very trying for everyone. Every aspect of our lives has been turned upside down. Most recently we have been frustrated even more by the continued uncertainty over the end of lock down and the, what seemed like, never ending postponement of the return of normality.

As you know we had planned for this in June and July, but we had to postpone all our events and planning.

We now feel confident to reschedule our return from lockdown after the Summer Holidays.

There are four things that I would like to point out particularly in this update. All of which are of the utmost importance to the building up of the church in this Mission Community.

The First is the new date for our Vision and Opportunity Day: Saturday 18th September at the Coronation Hall, at the Fox and Grapes. It starts at 10. For 10.30 and will finish by 3.30pm at the latest. A huge thanks to the Fox and Grapes, who are providing tea and coffee for us. Lunch can be purchased for between £5 and £10 per person. The notice for this is attached. If you can do please print and display it, and talk about it to your friends. The more people who come to this, the better we will be placed to move forward together.

The Second is our First in a series of courses to help us grow in faith, love, trust and understanding.

The Worship Course is for everyone. Worship is our first priority as the church, and we all take part in it and have a responsibility to make it successful. However, there are some who have specific roles in preparing for and leading worship. This may be reading the scriptures, ironing linen, serving at the Altar, or producing and leading music etc. Whatever our role in worship, and particularly if we have a specific responsibility, it is only right and proper that we regularly refresh our understanding and continue to grow and develop our knowledge and skills. 

To this end, we are holding a three-session course on Worship: the church’s first calling.

Again, the notice is attached, and I encourage all of us to come and take the opportunity to our understanding and give us more confidence in our worship.

The Third is the restart , finally, of our church governance. Both the individual PCCS and the JPCC have basically been on hold over the pandemic and lockdown.  There is always much to do when planning and organising the life of the church and the proclamation of the kingdom. After the lockdown, and with a new priest, there is a vast amount to do. We should be excited about this. Here is an opportunity to work together to proclaim Christ Crucified, something that we should always be itching to do.

The JPCC is meeting once a month in September, October and November.  This is far more meetings in a short space of time, than we would usually, but I feel that after the past eighteen months, we need to get moving! Those of you who are on the JPCC will be notified about this soon. The Individual PCCs will be meeting as soon as possible after Monday 20th September. We are currently working out exactly when these will occur.

The Fourth is really exciting!  It is about Church growth. To be exact about Baptism and confirmation.

We currently have 17 Baptisms performed or organised within our benefice over the summer and autumn. As a result of this, we now have three adult confirmation candidates, and Bishop Robert will be coming to this Benefice at some point in the Autumn to conduct a Confirmation Service for our Deanery.

If you know of anyone who would be interested in being prepared for confirmation, please let them know, and ask them, or their parents, if they are children, to get in touch with me. If you yourself have not been confirmed, or even if you have, but would quite like to refresh your understanding, then please do get in touch. A notice is attached.

I am very heartened by our recent worship, and the attendance at our post lockdown services. I do hope that we will all look forward to being fully part of the worshipping community once more and have the confidence to invite others to join us in the worship of God and in the service of our communities.

The Summer season has begun, and many people are travelling to and through our parishes. I hope and pray that that with courtesy and common sense, we will all benefit from the business that the tourist season will bring to our local economy.

Katie and I are having a summer break away. There are some changes to the usual rota of services, and these are detailed in the final attachment that came with this letter.

Finally, we want this letter to be sent to as many people as possible. If you are aware of anyone who may be interested but is not yet on our contact list, then please forward it to them, or print it out and pass it on.

I hope all of you, whether travelling or staying put, have a wonderful Summer.

With love and prayers


The Revd Philip James Conway B.A. Dip Min