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New Years Greetings

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In the Christian Calendar today, the First of January, is celebrated as the naming, or Holy Name, of Jesus, and it is in that Holy name of Jesus that I wish you all the very best for this new year.

As we leave 2020 behind, I would like to thank everyone for all their friendship in what has been a very unusual first year in a new post, and particularly those who enabled us to celebrate Christmas in such a beautiful, if somewhat unusual manner.

Undoubtedly it is a new year that all of us are looking forward to. Last year presented so many problems which affected everyone and every area of public and private life. We are all hopeful that 2021 will give us the life and freedom that we have missed out on for most of 2020.

However we all know that the new year, however much looked forward to, will not immediately end the international, national and local difficulties that the world has been facing, and that much more effort and patience will be needed before these problems are behind us. Like you, I woke up in a new tier the other day, which reminds us all of the hill that we still need to climb. It is so important that we take seriously the government’s advice and charge to take care of ourselves and follow the rules and instructions to keep safe and well and protect the NHS.

Having consulted with all my churchwardens, and with their full agreement and support, we have decided to suspend our usual rota of services, at least for the time being. We do not wish for anyone to feel obliged or pressured to put themselves at risk in attending or staffing church services. 

For this month, starting on Sunday 3rd January, there will be one service at 10am. This will take place at St. Mary Lifton and will  be open for anyone to attend, if it is safe and appropriate for them to do so, and will also be livestreamed.

There has also been some requests to renew our worship on Zoom. I am currently working on how this may work out, so watch this space for further news and developments.
These decisions are not taken likely, and I hope and pray that they may be for the briefest possible time, however I am certain that this is the right decision to make considering the serious situation and context we are currently in.

I will send out the order for Sunday’s service sometime tomorrow, together with a fully  revised schedule for our worship.

As of Monday, the Daily Offices will be being live streamed again, and we are looking at ways of developing this to offer more participation.

Do please share this news and email with anyone you feel would like to be kept in contact.
Again, do please let me know if I can do anything to help anyone during this tricky times,

With love and prayers,

Happy new year,
